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Approaching the New Year; Happy Holidays!

Posted by Loopykins - December 18th, 2023

Happy Holidays!


As 2023 comes to a close and Christmas is approaching, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holidays!

Usually, I would wait until the very end of the year, till after Christmas to post my recap, but I feel as if now would be a good time to reflect on accomplishments and what I hope to do next year.

Doodlepup's Missing Wagon

Games like "Doodlepup's Missing Wagon" and "Doodlepup's Feeding Time" were unexpected wins for me. I only started learning code last year, so the positive feedback on both games has been awesome. Getting featured on the "Best of the Month" list was a pleasant surprise. I can't thank you enough for the support.


While I may not be overly confident in my work, I do feel I've made progress throughout the year. I've been playing around with art as a means of self-expression. I like not being bound by one certain style and I feel like I've accomplished a lot of different things this year regarding art such as;

  • learning to format comics properly
  • learning different rendering and lining techniques
  • learning to animate a teeny tiny bit better compared to previous works (which will be presented near Christmas as I'm almost done with a cartoon)
  • Getting frontpaged a few times

While fan stuff is fun, I want to tell my own stories and develop original characters in the future. I find it funny, because looking back on my art, I realize I haven't drawn as many finished pieces as I thought I did. Half of them are in my head, the other half I like to keep to myself I guess, but maybe I'll put them on paper in 2024.

Other Milestones I Made on Newgrounds

Through the year, I've received significant support and kindness from various members on the site. Meeting new people has been rewarding, and I've recently reached over 500 followers. Never in my life have I expected people to be interested in my art, actively seeking updates on my posts.

The appreciation is genuinely flattering, and a simple "thank you" doesn't feel like enough for those who take the time to comment, critique, vote on my work, and interact with me. Your support means a lot to me. I've been eager to talk with like-minded peeps here and talk about life and making stuff. To those who have shown an interest in me for that reason, I appreciate it. Thank you.

For 2024

2023 brought progress in skills and personal growth. Even though I shifted focus from content creation to real-life stuff, creative pursuits are still on the table. Balancing it all is tricky but doable.

For 2024, I want to tackle hurdles and develop a more resilient attitude towards my art. It's a reminder that I create for my enjoyment, not just for others. While sharing and connecting is rewarding, I'm aiming for a more positive mindset in those interactions.

I encourage those who are reading to do the same, to make stuff for you. Your individuality is something that no one can take from you. Embrace it!

I have a small bucket list of what I want to accomplish next year on Newgrounds;

  • Make at least one flash game
  • Go to a Newgrounds meetup
  • animate more
  • join more collabs
  • talk with more people
  • Host a collab of my own
  • Draw more!! I didn't draw enough!!

In 2023, I've encountered both positive and negative experiences with people. I achieved a lot of private and personal goals too but I won't delve into specifics. While the year had its ups and downs, there's no need to dwell on the past. Keep your chin up. Here's to a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!






That is an excellent post! I never blog my reflections on newgrounds that often, I think I'll do the same for next year.

happy new year !